Drainage Water Channel 12 cm* 1 meter


General Specifications

The Body of the Water Channel:
Material: Made of Polypropylene
Length: 1m
Two side outlets Ø 75mm and Ø110mm (with reducer) and Two vertical outlets Ø75mm
and Ø110mm (with reducer)
Flow rate: 150 Liters/min
Lateral Outlets: Four optional side outlets (Ø 110 mm at each side & Ø 50mm at each side)
Vertical Outlet: One optional vertical outlet (Ø 110mm or Ø 75mm).
Flow rate: 500 liters/min.
The Cover of the Water Channel:
Material: Made of Glass Fiber Polypropylene
Length: 50cm
Width: 12cm
Load Class: A15 (Cyclist and Pedestrian Area


Designed, Manufactured and tested according to EN 1433.
Easy Assembly using clips and slides for continuity and side corners.
Adjustable to cut to a specific length down to 25cm and up to 75cm and assemble
directly without using extra parts. (No need for Tee).
Possibility to create sharp corners by using only the channel body or curved corners by using extra parts to shape the corner.
Easy cover installation and removal.
Ribs along the channel body to support
installation with mortar.
Reinforced legs with 8mm stud hole